For too long men like myself have been witness to the systematic destruction of our history and culture. It would seem that the powers that be have ramped up their war on Heritage Americans and the American South in particular. I remember a day when the desecration and destruction of American monuments Confederate or otherwise would have been laughed off. Yet, here we are.
Culturally the American South has been relegated to a reputation of backward hicks and simple country folks. If you have done any reading whatsoever on the Southern literary tradition, you would know that accusation is a farce. Heritage Americans generally and Old-Stock Southerners in particular have been made into the whipping boys of the cultural moment we have been in since the so-called “Civil Rights Era” of the 1960s. My partners and I are doing our damnedest to preserve the past that our enemies are so desperate to destroy, all the while cultivating the future of our people.
It is no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention that Heritage America at large and the South especially have never been so embattled as a culture(s) to date. Social media, television, and agenda-driven public state-mandated education have been very successful avenues for the deracination of our current generation and the next. Never in a million years would our fathers have believed that the current generation would look back on their predecessors with contempt for imaginary slander levied against them. Even harder to believe is the fact that it only took sixty years to do this much damage to the nation that was set to inherit the crown of Western Civilization. Now we will be lucky if we are not replaced before 2040.
The fact of the matter is, as our nation marches forward into the future, Heritage Americans are approaching minority status at an exceedingly fast pace. What is to be done when a demoralized and deracinated generation has to reckon with being a minority in the land of their fathers? This is hard enough without the added facet that Heritage America is being labeled as the common enemy of every other group within the borders of the United States. In the words of the great General Robert E. Lee,
“A land without memories is a people without liberty.”
Where does that leave us?
As we see it, the most important thing in this “conflict of ideas” is the preservation of our unique culture, the education of the next generation in who they are, and the cultivation of the Southern tradition. Or more succinctly, to promote the elegance, vigor, and continuity of our fathers.
We plan on doing this firstly on Substack by hosting this newsletter and publishing individuals who have a hand to put to this plow. Eventually, we plan to have our own website, and God willing a physical publication.
Until then, we will operate in the avenues that are open to us online. In addition to this, we plan on offering compensation for good writing, however, as we are a small startup, the questions of how much we will pay out and how this system will work have not been decided as of yet.
At this point, we are looking for good writing. We don’t care if it is a paleoconservative political essay, a Southern cultural article, or something on American history. While we are not able to compensate our writers at present, we are accepting submissions. We would love to read your work and see if you are a fit for us. If this is something that interests you, please send your work to me in a Word Document here: for consideration. Many thanks. - J.R. Dunmore EIC.